No Classes on Family Day (Monday, February 17th)

Online registration for Spring 2025 session is now available on the Parent Portal

Click Here for Class start/end dates and holidays

Next Pro D Day Camp: February 28th

Click Here to Register Now 

Registration for our Spring Break Camp is now available on the Parent Portal

Click Here for more Information about our Camps 


Welcome to Club Aviva

Club Aviva is a gymnastics club located in Coquitlam, BC with instructional, developmental, and competitive artistic and trampoline programs. Our facilities are over 16,000 square feet and include a large foam filled pit and in-ground trampolines. For more information see our Background and Facility Information to learn more about the history of Club Aviva and our facilities.
Visit the Classes tab to register for weekly classes
Phone us at (604) 526-4464 for more information or stop by our office!

We are pleased to announce that we have secured 25 parking spots on the east side of the Scan Design parking lot. We will be removing the Club Aviva parking signs, all parking spots will be shared between the three companies.

Important Note:
We request that parents who are waiting in their vehicles for their child for the duration of their class, please park and wait at Tim Hortons or Scan Designs in order for other patrons and employees to access the parking lot. Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Club Aviva Management


For Donations to the Symington Symbiotic Foundation





  Tri City News Favourites 2022                        GBC Awards (Life Time Achievement) 

Club Aviva Gymnastics - Quality Business Awards