Class Information

Club Aviva offers a wide range of classes for athletes of all ages. Click the Find A Class button to look through the current list of available programs. For more information on any of the classes click the More Details button next to the class.

FALL SESSION 2024 (Sept. 4, 2024- January 21, 2025)
Saturday - Last class : Jan. 18
Sunday - Last class : Jan. 19
Monday  - Last class : Jan. 27
Morning Tuesday - Last  class : Jan. 21

Evening Tuesday - NO Classes Jan. 21.  Last class : Jan. 28
Wednesday - Last classJan. 15
Evening Thursday NO Classes Jan. 23. Last class : Jan. 30 (Makeup for Halloween)

Friday - Last class : Jan. 17

SPRING SESSION 2025 SCHEDULE is available on the Parent Portal.
Click Here to see our Calendar

*Please note: Start dates are different than registration confirmation emails because of how holidays affect the class schedule this session. All students receive 18 classes regardless of day of the week. Monday Classes will only have 17 classes
Please see our calendar for Holiday's. 

Friday - First Day Jan. 31  Holidays : Mar. 21, Mar. 28 & Apr.18  Last class : June 20
Saturday - First Day Feb 1  Holidays : Mar. 22, Mar. 29 & May 17  Last class : June 21
Sunday - First Day Feb 2  Holidays : Mar. 23, Mar. 30 & May 18  Last class : June 22
Monday  - First Day Feb 3  Holidays : Feb 17, Mar. 17,  Mar. 24 & May 19  Last class : June 23

Tuesday - First Day Feb 4  Holidays : Mar. 18 & Mar. 25  Last class : June 17
Wednesday First Day Feb 5  Holidays : Mar. 19 & Mar. 26  Last class : June 18
Thursday First Day Feb 6  Holidays : Mar. 20 & Mar. 27  Last class : June 19


  • Please ensure that you wear gym attire, (t-shirt and shorts) and have hair tied back.
  • Please bring a water bottle 
  • On rainy days please remove your shoes at the door and carry them to your cubby
  • Please remember to stay home if you or a family member is unwell to keep everyone safe. Participants who are ill (cold, flu, lice & pink eye) must stay home.

If a participant becomes ill or appears ill during their class, they will be isolated with a mask and the parent/guardian will be contacted for immediate pick up. 

  • Spectators are permitted in our facility
  • Dynamic Duo/Little Leapers are permitted 1 parent/chaperone in the gym. It is preferred to have the same chaperone each week.
  • Registration Periods

Please use the Customer Portal to complete your registration. Registration for Summer is May 1st. Registration for the Fall session opens on June 15 for current customers and July 1st for new customers.

Class Offerings

Club Aviva offers a wide variety of programs. Please find your child's age, if they are a beginner they will start in the first level for their age group. (Example: 5 year-old child who has never done gymnastics before will start in Tumble Tyke 1)

If your child is not a beginner and you are unsure of what level or program they should go in, you can call the office.


Availability and Registration

We offer classes for three sessions each year: Fall, Spring, and Summer. Our Fall session runs from from September to January (5 months), the Spring session from February to June (5 months), and the Summer session for July and August.

Typically, registration for the Fall session opens in June, registration for the Spring session opens in December, and registration for the Summer session opens in May. We usually accept new registrations for the first two months of a session and will always prorate the session cost for late registrants. 

Registration is available online and in-person at the Club Aviva office. All online registrations require payment in full but in-person registrations for one of our five-month sessions have the option to setup a payment plan. If you are doing monthly payment, please come in to the office the sign a form and one month payment is due when you register.

Fall 2024 Pricing

All of our classes are priced per session based on the number of hours per week.

Weekly Length Session Cost
45 minutes $384.5 / 18 weeks
1 hour $466 / 18 weeks
1.5 hours $654 / 18 weeks
2 hours $814.5 / 18 weeks
2.5 hours $955.5 / 18 weeks
3 hours $1070 / 18 weeks

All prices include GST.


A Club Aviva membership is required for all class participants. GBC Memberships are $42 annually (Sept 1 – Aug 31) and Club Aviva membership $18 (Sept 1 – Aug 31) with this membership will cover Gymnastics BC insurance, 10% off Club Aviva merchandise and priority registration.



Junior/Senior Provincial Gymnaestrada Team

Gymnaestrada is an amalgamation of gymnastics, acro, dance, and most of all: FUN!

Gymnaestrada is a unique form of participation in gymnastics by anyone of any age or skill level. Its main focus is on mass participation and performance in gymnastics. The goals of Gymnaestrada are to promote and encourage the growth of Gymnastics for All, inspire and encourage joy in exercise and to demonstrate the development of the participants.

For the 2025 Season, Gymnastics BC is hosting Western Gymnaestrada in Ucluelet, BC. Teams from BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba are invited to perform and participate in workshops. 

Joining the Junior or Senior Provincial Gymnaestrada Team is a December-May Commitment, with mandatory weekly classes, and mandatory performances. Missing 3 or more classes will result in being removed from complex lifts for the safety and fairness to all participants.


Class Times: 

Junior Gymnaestrada: Saturday's 4pm-5pm

Senior Gymnaestrada: Saturday's 5pm-6pm

Registration Opens November 4th at 9am.

First Class: Saturday December 7th

Last Class: Saturday May 3rd (Western Gymnaestrada in Ucluelet, BC May 9th-11th)

Price Approximates:

Performance Entrance Fee $160

Costume Fee: Junior: $90 Senior: $150

Class Fee: $475 Tax Included

TBD: Travel costs

Junior Gymnaestrada Class Information

Junior Gymnaestrada is for everyone! Participants will learn group dance, musicality, partner and trio lifts and tricks, and showcase their tumbling abilities! Participants must be 7 years old by December 31st, 2024, and are recommended to be Youth 3, Youth 4, Pre Teen 2, Pre Teen 3, Teen 1, Teen 2, T&T 2, T&T 3, or Performance because of the intermediate level skills we will be performing.  Check out our 2024 Gymnaestrada Routine! 

Senior Gymnaestrada Class Information

Senior Gymnaestrada is returning for the 2025 season! Back by popular demand is our Senior Gymnaestrada group! This is an advanced group of athletes who are currently or formally enrolled in a competitive program at Club Aviva or have been invited from previous Gymnaestrada seasons. These participants will learn advanced choreography and story-telling, partner and group lifts, and advanced tumbling/flexibility. This class is by invite only. If you are interested in joining our 2025 Senior Gymnaestrada team, please fill out this form.

Every 4 years, Western, National, and World Gymnaestrada is held. Western Gymnaestrada is happening May 2025 in Ucluelet, BC.